Quality Standards
At Patio Guys, delivering an exceptional customer experience is our top priority. We leave no stone unturned in evaluating every aspect of our business to determine where we stand and how we can elevate ourselves. Our owner, with a strong background in business and an impressive 40-year experience coupled with a degree in manufacturing engineering, leads the way. A continuous flow of communication exists between our lead technicians, engineer, and owner, ensuring that the patio furniture we deliver is of the highest quality. With a deep-rooted passion for engineering evident throughout our company, we continuously strive to refine our manufacturing process.

At our factory, we take immense pride in delivering outdoor furniture that surpasses its original beauty. Throughout the entire refinishing process, each piece is meticulously inspected to ensure it meets our high standards. Our dedicated team of lead technicians oversees multiple inspection points at every stage of refurbishment. For instance, in our paint department alone, our skilled technicians assess the paint's thickness, meticulously check for any imperfections, analyze the powder coat's adhesion, and measure the coverage to perfection.

We take great pride in delivering refinished patio furniture of the utmost quality. This means that we prioritize using only the finest materials from renowned name brands. With over four decades of experience in the industry, the Patio Guys team doesn't solely rely on the strong reputations of our suppliers; we put their materials to the test. We constantly evaluate and assess the top-rated materials we utilize. Through rigorous experimentation, we've tested different vinyl strap suppliers and various chemical cleaners on different strap colors, all with the goal of gaining invaluable insights into the composition of our products. We've also subjected various colors and supplier offerings to the detrimental effects of UV exposure and environmental elements such as rain. This commitment to our craft and fascination with the process is deeply ingrained in our company's ethos, championed by our owner, engineers, and seamstresses.

With the expertise of our team members who come from manufacturing backgrounds, we have successfully incorporated essential methodologies such as Lean and 6 Sigma to enhance the quality of our operations. These methodologies have not only imparted valuable philosophies and techniques but have also enabled us to refine our manufacturing processes. By focusing on the physical aspects of our factory, we are able to implement foolproof measures to eliminate errors.

Our team is the lifeblood of Patio Guys. Several of our technicians have dedicated over a decade to mastering their craft with Patio Guys, while others have honed their skills in the art of outdoor furniture for more than 25 years alongside us. With their expertise in outdoor furniture, our team members consistently undergo weekly training to constantly enhance their knowledge of the trade.