Privacy Policy

Patio Guys values and respects our customers privacy, so we have developed this policy in order to be transparent about how we collect, use, and disclose personal information. This privacy policy outlines the personal information that this site collects, how we use it, and the purposes for which we collect it, and when we may share it with third parties. By using this site, you acknowledge that you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. Do not use this site if you do not agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. You have the right to request that your information be removed. This policy also provides information about the choices and actions that you can make about how we collect, use, and disclose your information. Patio Guys will not collect, use, or disclose personal information other than what is compliant with this policy. We reserve the right to revise, edit, or make change to this policy at any time, and we will post the most recent version of this policy onto our website. The date modified will be posted below.

Passive Information Collection

This site uses various web technologies to passively collect information from you while visiting the site. Such technologies allow the site to collect a range of information, such as usage and log information including your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the type of web browser that you use, the type of operating system that you use, the date, time, and duration that you visit the site, the specific pages you visit on the site, session identifies assigned to your visit and the address of the website you visited before coming to this site all which are non-personally identifiable information. We use this information for a variety of purposes to enhance user experience such as to customize the site and to compile aggregate statistics for marketing and research purposes.

Remarketing and Cookies

This website utilizes “remarketing” or “retargeting” software provided by Google Adwords and Facebook to create remarketing ads on the internet. Remarketing is a technique where third-party vendors, including Google and Facebook, can display ads on sites across the Internet to visitors based on the visitor’s prior searches and sites visited. This allows search engines and third-party vendors to better customize the web experience of the user to what the user is most looking for. Third party vendors, including Google and Facebook, use cookies and/or device identifiers such as web beacons to serve ads to our visitors based on visitors past visits to our website. We collect information automatically through the use of “cookies” and similar tracking technologies.

Visitors can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google Ads Settings. Alternatively, visitors can also opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. or control the use of device identifiers by using their device’s settings.

Active Information Collection

Certain areas of this site allow you to submit certain kinds of information including personal identifying information such as but not limited to name, phone number, email address, location, etc. By providing any data via an active information collection form such as a contact us form, you agree and specifically consent to the collection, use, and dissemination of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may use the information that you provide Patio Guys to respond to your inquiry, and we reserve the right to retain and transfer any information that you have provided us with.

Who We Share Data With

We do not sell user information. We work with third party companies for operations such as HubSpot, Bing, Call Source, Facebook, and Google Analytics all of which have different user collection procedures. We only work with reputable companies.


This site is not intended for use of children under the age of 13. We do not intend to retrieve or collect information from children under the age of 13.

Contact Us

You may contact Patio Guys regarding any questions regarding the website or this agreement by e-mail
at: or by mail at: 2907 Oak St. Santa Ana CA 92707

Last Update
Aug 9, 2023

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